"Icon","UserLevel","Id","Collection","Type","Title","Name","Date" "","","Frantz:Image:AT 819","Frantz","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, South, S XXIX, 71 ACR 1111","AT 819","February 20 1958" "","","Frantz:Image:AT 820","Frantz","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, South, S XXIX 71, under side, ACR 1111","AT 820","February 20 1958" "","","Frantz:Image:AT 821","Frantz","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, South, S XXXII 79 , part of an armed figure, ACR 1155","AT 821","February 17 1958" "","","Frantz:Image:AT 822","Frantz","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, South, S XXXII 79, top, ACR 1155","AT 822","February 20 1958"