"UserLevel","Id","Date","Name","Chronology","Icon","Type","Title","Collection" "","Frantz:Image:AT 830","February 14 1958","AT 830","","","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, South or North, crest of a helmet, ACR 2960","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 831","February 14 1958","AT 831","","","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, South, S XXIV 60, hoof of a horse and drapery of a figure, ACR 4859","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 832","February 14 1958","AT 832","","","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, North, N XXV 77, part of a leg of a rider, ACR 1211","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 131","February 17 1958","AT 131","","Frantz:Image:AT 131::/Frantz/AT 131.jpg::308::681","Image","Moschophoros, Calf Bearer, with plinth and inscribed base, ACR 624","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 132","February 17 1958","AT 132","","Frantz:Image:AT 132::/Frantz/AT 132.1.tif::1368::2784","Image","Moschophoros, Calf Bearer, without plinth and base, ACR 624","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 133","February 17 1958","AT 133","","Frantz:Image:AT 133::/Frantz/AT 133.1.tif::1860::2704","Image","Moschophoros, Calf Bearer, upper part, ACR 624","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 134","February 17 1958","AT 134","","Frantz:Image:AT 134::/Frantz/AT 134.jpg::702::542","Image","Moschophoros, Calf Bearer, detail of heads, ACR 624","Frantz" "","Frantz:Image:AT 744","February 17 1958","AT 744","","","Image","Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, East, E VIII 61, back of head and shoulder of a girl, ACR 1138","Frantz"