CR 38Bronze statuette, found at the Temple of Apollo Delphinios at Dreros, female, front, HM 245 
CR 39Bronze statuette, female, found at the Temple of Apollo Delphinios at Dreros, side, HM 245 
CR 40Bronze statuette, female, from the Temple of Apollo Delphinios at Dreros, back, HM 245 
CR 125Bronze statuette, female, from the Temple of Apollo Delphinios at Dreros, back, HM 245 
AT 271Eleutherae, the fortifications from the north 
ST 31Theseus and Antiope from pediment of Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros, frontal, MX 4 
ST 32Theseus and Antiope from pediment of Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros, 3/4, MX 4 
ST 33Theseus and Antiope from pediment of Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros, detail of heads, MX 4