AE 5Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, from northeast, showing rampUnknown 1952 
AE 4Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, detail of capitals, southeast cornerUnknown 1952 
AT 71Acropolis, from southwestJune 4 1956 
AT 652Acropolis, from northwest, view from the ObservatoryDecember 16 1950 
AT 874Acropolis, from northwest, view from the ObservatoryJanuary 16 1959 
AT 875Acropolis, from northwest, view from the ObservatoryJanuary 30 1959 
AT 876Acropolis, from northwest, view from the ObservatoryApril 12 1959 
AT 877Acropolis, from northwest, view from the ObservatoryApril 14 1959