 AT 749Parthenon Frieze, North, N VI 16, 17, 18, 19, pitch bearers, hydriaphoroi, ACR 864January 24 1958  
 AT 750Parthenon Frieze, North, N IX 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, ACR 876January 24 1958  
 AT 753Parthenon Frieze, North, N XVII 56, 57, 58, ACR 859January 24 1958  
 AT 754Parthenon Frieze, North, N XXXI, end of block with anathyrosis, ACR 862January 24 1958  
 AT 770Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, North, N IV 11, arm and drapery of a male figure, ACR 1166January 24 1958  
 AT 787Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, North, N XXI, head of a horse, ACR 1130January 24 1958  
 AT 790Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, North, N XXIV 74, hand of a male figure and head of a horse, ACR 1149January 24 1958  
 AT 799Fragment of the Parthenon Frieze, North, N XLII 130, top of head of a male figure and muzzle of a horse, ACR 1145January 24 1958